Case Study

Humber Zero Project

Accelerating UK industrial decarbonisation with the landmark Humber Zero project

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Project details
Project name:
Humber Zero Project
Client name:
Humber Zero
Suzanne Ferguson
Carbon Capture Technical Lead / Principal Consultant
Tony Tarrant
Manager, Midstream & LNG
Key stats
UK net zero target:
Carbon captured per year:
8 million tonnes
No. of plants impacted:
The UK has committed to reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 and this can only be achieved by decarbonising existing industry effectively. Energy intensive industries account for more than 20% of the Humber’s economy and 1 in 10 jobs. Humber Zero is a project with immediate impact for reduced emissions, whilst preserving jobs in these critical industries and maintaining the Humber’s role as an industrial hub.

Wood  is developing the master plan and early design for the Humber Zero carbon reduction programme, spanning three power and petrochemical plants at Immingham, UK. Over the next ten years, we will develop the technology to capture, treat, and compress up to 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum for permanent storage in geological formations beneath the North Sea.

Humber Zero incorporates a cluster of energy-intensive industries that lie on the south bank of the River Humber. Close to offshore gas storage fields and sitting along a key pipeline route identified by National Grid to connect and decarbonise other key industry in the southern Humber, it is an ideal gateway project for large-scale decarbonisation in the wider region.

A roadmap to meet ambitious energy targets

With decades of multi-sector experience, Wood is focused on driving the global energy transition and enabling such flagship projects which could become a model for industrial decarbonisation around the world. It will also play an important role in helping the UK government meet its ambitious energy targets, including reaching net zero by 2050.

Evaluating the specific needs of different industrial processes on three operating sites has led to a plan involving several complementary technologies, including use of renewable power to generate green hydrogen through electrolysis, generation of blue hydrogen with integrated carbon capture, and post-combustion carbon capture from existing stacks.

Establishing a local network of both Hydrogen and CO2 in the Immingham area will allow the region to expand its decarbonisation initiatives in future, and act as hubs to encourage growth of new technologies such as green hydrogen.

photo of Humber Bridge from edge of the water
“We are pleased that the Humber Zero project will benefit from Wood’s technical and industry expertise. The project’s success will depend on careful, detailed planning and flawless execution. Wood are well placed to help us deliver this industry-leading project.”
Jonathan Briggs, Project Director at VPI Immingham

Enabling a holistic view of key performance indicators

Using our technical know-how with our decarbonisation roadmap process (SCORE), we were able to rapidly select an integrated configuration and optimise the performance benefiting all the project partners.

We provided clarity on scope, area required, schedule, cost and economic performance which the partners were able to use to support their application for government funding for the next phases of the project.

In addition, we developed a publicly accessible interactive online tool and repository for sharing key information about the project. This allows users to familiarise themselves with the scope, performance and economics of the project; envisage the project development using GIS mapping and fly-through videos; explore the technical definition of project element scopes and directly access project deliverables; and run sensitivity cases on project economics.

The Humber Zero project will form a significant element of the UK’s industrial decarbonisation strategy, making up one third of the Humberside industrial cluster. It is one of five locations – along with Teesside, Merseyside, South Wales and North East Scotland – identified as well-suited to early carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) deployment by the Committee of Climate Change (CCC).
